4 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/smj2202
Blasten E., Liu H., “On Vanishing Near Corners of Transmission Eigenfunctions”, J. Funct. Anal., 273:11 (2017), 3616–3632
Chesnel L., Claeys X., Nazarov S.A., “Spectrum of a Diffusion Operator With Coefficient Changing Sign Over a Small Inclusion”, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 66:5 (2015), 2173–2196
С. А. Назаров, “Асимптотические разложения собственных чисел задачи Стеклова в сингулярно возмущенных областях”, Алгебра и анализ, 26:2 (2014), 119–184
; S. A. Nazarov, “Asymptotic expansions of eigenvalues of the Steklov problem in singularly perturbed domains”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 26:2 (2015), 273–318
T. A. Mel'nik, D. Yu. Sadovyi, “Homogenization of Boundary Value Problems in Two-Level Thick Junctions Consisting of Thin Disks with Rounded or Sharp Edges”, J Math Sci, 191:2 (2013), 254