33 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm7857
Rudnev M., “On the Number of Incidences Between Points and Planes in Three Dimensions”, Combinatorica, 38:1 (2018), 219–254
Shkredov I.D., “Differences of Subgroups in Subgroups”, Int. J. Number Theory, 14:4 (2018), 1111–1134
Shkredov I.D., Zhelezov D., “On Additive Bases of Sets With Small Product Set”, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2018, no. 5, 1585–1599
Karpinski M., Merai L., Shparlinski I.E., “Identity Testing and Interpolation From High Powers of Polynomials of Large Degree Over Finite Fields”, J. Complex., 49 (2018), 74–84
Macourt S., Shkredov I.D., Shparlinski I.E., “Multiplicative Energy of Shifted Subgroups and Bounds on Exponential Sums With Trinomials in Finite Fields”, Can. J. Math.-J. Can. Math., 70:6 (2018), 1319–1338
O. E. Raz, M. Sharir, I. D. Shkredov, “On the number of unit-area triangles spanned by convex grids in the plane”, Comput. Geom., 62 (2017), 25–33
M.-C. Chang, “Arithmetic progressions in multiplicative groups of finite fields”, Israel J. Math., 222:2 (2017), 631–643
E. A. Yazici, B. Murphy, M. Rudnev, I. Shkredov, “Growth estimates in positive characteristic via collisions”, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2017, no. 23, 7148–7189
T. Schoen, I. D. Shkredov, “Additive dimension and a theorem of Sanders”, J. Aust. Math. Soc., 100:1 (2016), 124–144
И. В. Вьюгин, Е. В. Солодкова, И. Д. Шкредов, “Пересечения сдвигов мультипликативных подгрупп”, Матем. заметки, 100:2 (2016), 185–195
; I. V. Vyugin, E. V. Solodkova, I. D. Shkredov, “Intersections of Shifts of Multiplicative Subgroups”, Math. Notes, 100:2 (2016), 189–198