37 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm4110
Higashitani A., Kurimoto K., “Cohomological Rigidity For Fano Bott Manifolds”, Math. Z., 301:3 (2022), 2369–2391
Higashitani A., Kurimoto K., Masuda M., “Cohomological Rigidity For Toric Fano Manifolds of Small Dimensions Or Large Picard Numbers”, Osaka J. Math., 59:1 (2022), 177–215
Baralic D., Milenkovic L., “Small Covers and Quasitoric Manifolds Over Neighborly Polytopes”, Mediterr. J. Math., 19:2 (2022), 87
Суён Чхве, М. Валле, “Когомологическая жесткость связной суммы трех вещественных проективных пространств”, Торическая топология, действия групп, геометрия и комбинаторика. Часть 1, Сборник статей, Труды МИАН, 317, МИАН, М., 2022, 198–209 ; Suyoung Choi, Mathieu Vallée, “Cohomological Rigidity of the Connected Sum of Three Real Projective Spaces”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 317 (2022), 178–188
Lee E., Masuda M., Park S., “Toric Bruhat Interval Polytopes”, J. Comb. Theory Ser. A, 179 (2021), 105387
Lee E., Masuda M., “Generic Torus Orbit Closures in Schubert Varieties”, J. Comb. Theory Ser. A, 170 (2020), UNSP 105143
Hasui Sh., Kuwata H., Masuda M., Park S., “Classification of Toric Manifolds Over An N-Cube With One Vertex Cut”, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2020:16 (2020), 4890–4941
Apostolov V., Calderbank D.M.J., Gauduchon P., Legendre E., “Levi-Kahler Reduction of Cr Structures, Products of Spheres, and Toric Geometry”, Math. Res. Lett., 27:6 (2020), 1565–1629
Ilhan A.G., “A Note on Small Covers Over Cubes”, Hacet. J. Math. Stat., 49:6 (2020), 1997–2006
Boyer Ch.P., Calderbank D.M.J., Tonnesen-Friedman Ch.W., “The Kahler Geometry of Bott Manifolds”, Adv. Math., 350 (2019), 1–62