61 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm401
Fidalgo Prieto U., Lopez Lagomasino G., “Nikishin Systems Are Perfect”, Constr Approx, 34:3 (2011), 297–356
Beckermann B., Kalyagin V., Matos A.C., Wielonsky F., “How Well Does the Hermite-Pade Approximation Smooth the Gibbs Phenomenon?”, Math Comp, 80:274 (2011), 931–958
А. И. Аптекарев, В. Г. Лысов, “Системы марковских функций, генерируемые графами, и асимптотика их аппроксимаций Эрмита–Паде”, Матем. сб., 201:2 (2010), 29–78
; A. I. Aptekarev, V. G. Lysov, “Systems of Markov functions generated by graphs and the asymptotics of their Hermite-Padé approximants”, Sb. Math., 201:2 (2010), 183–234
Lopez Lagomasino G., Rocha I.A., “A canonical family of multiple orthogonal polynomials for Nikishin systems”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 372:2 (2010), 390–401
de la Calle Ysern B., “A Walk through Approximation Theory”, Recent Trends in Orthogonal Polynomials and Approximation Theory, Contemporary Mathematics, 507, 2010, 25–86
Kuijlaars A.B.J., “Multiple orthogonal polynomial ensembles”, Recent Trends in Orthogonal Polynomials and Approximation Theory, Contemporary Mathematics, 507, 2010, 155–176
Balogh, F, “Regularity of a vector potential problem and its spectral curve”, Journal of Approximation Theory, 161:1 (2009), 353
Aptekarev, AI, “Higher-Order Three-Term Recurrences and Asymptotics of Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials”, Constructive Approximation, 30:2 (2009), 175
Aptekarev, AI, “Asymptotics of Hermite-Pade Rational Approximants for Two Analytic Functions with Separated Pairs of Branch Points (Case of Genus 0)”, International Mathematics Research Papers, 2008, rpm007
Lysov, V, “Strong asymptotics for multiple laguerre polynomials”, Constructive Approximation, 28:1 (2008), 61