48 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm3894
В. Ю. Шелепов, “О граничных свойствах решений эллиптических
уравнений в многомерных областях, представимых с помощью
разности выпуклых функций”, Матем. сб., 133(175):4(8) (1987), 446–468 ; V. Yu. Shelepov, “On boundary properties of solutions of elliptic equations in multidimensional domains representable by means of the difference of convex functions”, Math. USSR-Sb., 61:2 (1988), 437–460
Chabrowski J., “On the Dirichlet Problem for Degenerate Elliptic-Equations”, Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci., 23:1 (1987), 1–16
Hoffmannwalbeck T., “On the Dirichlet Problem for Linear Elliptic-Equations and Lp-Boundary Data, P-Greater-Than-1”, Boll. Unione Mat. Italiana, 1B:1 (1987), 1–30
Chabrowski J., “On Boundary-Values of Solutions of a Quasi-Linear Partial-Differential Equation of Elliptic Type”, Rocky Mt. J. Math., 16:2 (1986), 223–236
Jan Chabrowski, “On positive solutions for a class of elliptic boundary value problems”, Tohoku Math. J. (2), 38:3 (1986)
Petrushko I., “The Boundary-Values of Solutions Degenerating at the Boundary of Domain of 2nd-Order Elliptic-Equations”, 284, no. 5, 1985, 1069–1073
Shelepov V., “Luzin Integral and Nontangential Maximal-Function in Domains Whose Boundaries Are Representable by the Difference of Convex-Functions”, 283, no. 4, 1985, 822–825
С. В. Гайденко, “Об исключительных множествах на границе и единственности решения второй и третьей краевых задач для эллиптического уравнения”, Матем. сб., 125(167):3(11) (1984), 347–363 ; S. V. Gaidenko, “On exceptional sets on the boundary and uniqueness of a solution of the second and third boundary value problems for an elliptic equation”, Math. USSR-Sb., 53:2 (1986), 351–366
Chabrowski J., “On the Dirichlet Problem for Semi-Linear Elliptic Equation with l2-Boundary Data”, Math. Z., 187:2 (1984), 171–183
Mikhailov YA., “Boundary-Values in Lp, P-Greater-Than-1, of Solutions of 2nd-Order Linear Elliptic-Equations”, Differ. Equ., 19:2 (1983), 243–258