65 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm3032
Alexander Kolpakov, Alexey Talambutsa, “Growth rates of Coxeter groups and Perron numbers”, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2022:19 (2022), 14675–14696
Michelle Chu, Alexander Kolpakov, “A Hyperbolic Counterpart to Rokhlin's Cobordism Theorem”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2022:4 (2022), 2460
Д. В. Алексеевский, М. В. Белолипецкий, С. Г. Гиндикин, В. Г. Кац, Д. И. Панюшев, Д. А. Тимашев, О. В. Шварцман, А. Г. Элашвили, О. С. Якимова, “Эрнест Борисович Винберг (некролог)”, УМН, 76:6(462) (2021), 181–192
; D. V. Alekseevskii, M. V. Belolipetsky, S. G. Gindikin, V. G. Kac, D. I. Panyushev, D. A. Timashev, O. V. Shvartsman, A. G. Elashvili, O. S. Yakimova, “Èrnest Borisovich Vinberg (obituary)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 76:6 (2021), 1123–1135
Viacheslav V. Nikulin, “Some Examples of K3 Surfaces with Infinite Automorphism Group which Preserves an
Elliptic Pencil”, Матем. заметки, 108:4 (2020), 542–549
; Viacheslav V. Nikulin, “Some Examples of K3 Surfaces with Infinite Automorphism Group which Preserves an
Elliptic Pencil”, Math. Notes, 108:4 (2020), 542–549
Daniel Allcock, Igor Dolgachev, “The tetrahedron and automorphisms of Enriques and Coble surfaces of Hessian type”, Annales Henri Lebesgue, 3 (2020), 1133
Anamaría Font, Bernardo Fraiman, Mariana Graña, Carmen A. Núñez, Héctor Parra De Freitas, “Exploring the landscape of heterotic strings on Td”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2020:10 (2020)
Н. В. Богачев, “Классификация $(1{,}2)$-рефлективных анизотропных гиперболических решеток
ранга $4$”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 83:1 (2019), 3–24
; N. V. Bogachev, “Classification of (1,2)-reflective anisotropic hyperbolic lattices of rank 4”, Izv. Math., 83:1 (2019), 1–19
N. V. Bogachev, “Classification of Stably Reflective Hyperbolic $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt 2 ]$-Lattices of Rank 4”, Dokl. Math., 99:3 (2019), 241
Simon Brandhorst, “The classification of purely non-symplectic automorphisms of high order on K3 surfaces”, Journal of Algebra, 533 (2019), 229
Н. В. Богачев, А. Ю. Перепечко, “Алгоритм Винберга для гиперболических решёток”, Матем. заметки, 103:5 (2018), 769–773
; N. V. Bogachev, A. Yu. Perepechko, “Vinberg's Algorithm for Hyperbolic Lattices”, Math. Notes, 103:5 (2018), 836–840