170 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm2837
Д. М. Афанасьев, “Об усилении инвариантов виртуальных узлов с помощью четности”, Матем. сб., 201:6 (2010), 3–18 ; D. M. Afanas'ev, “Refining virtual knot invariants by means of parity”, Sb. Math., 201:6 (2010), 785–800
J. Scott Carter, Kanako Oshiro, Masahico Saito, “Symmetric extensions of dihedral quandles and triple points of non-orientable surfaces”, Topology and its Applications, 157:5 (2010), 857
Ishii A., Kishimoto K., “The Ih-Complex of Spatial Trivalent Graphs”, Tokyo J. Math., 33:2 (2010), 523–535
Henrich A., Nelson S., “Semiquandles and Flat Virtual Knots”, Pac. J. Math., 248:1 (2010), 155–170
Bunch E., Lofgren P., Rapp A., Yetter D.N., “On Quotients of Quandles”, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 19:9 (2010), 1145–1156
Inoue A., “Quandle and Hyperbolic Volume”, Topology Appl., 157:7 (2010), 1237–1245
Inoue A., “Knot Quandles and Infinite Cyclic Covering Spaces”, Kodai. Math. J., 33:1 (2010), 116–122
Oshiro K., “Triple Point Numbers of Surface-Links and Symmetric Quandle Cocycle Invariants”, Algebr. Geom. Topol., 10:2 (2010), 853–865
Д. В. Горковец, “Коциклические инварианты для зацеплений в
проективном пространстве”, Вестник ЧелГУ, 2010, № 12, 88–97
Shin Satoh, “A note on the sheet numbers of twist-spun knots”, Hiroshima Math. J., 40:1 (2010)