141 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm2806
Nevai P., “Characterization of Measures Associated with Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit-Circle”, Rocky Mt. J. Math., 19:1 (1989), 293–302
Г. Л. Лопес, “Сходимость аппроксимаций Паде мероморфных функций стильтьесовского типа и сравнительная асимптотика для ортогональных многочленов”, Матем. сб., 136(178):2(6) (1988), 206–226
; G. L. Lopes, “Convergence of Padé approximants of Stieltjes type meromorphic functions and comparative asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials”, Math. USSR-Sb., 64:1 (1989), 207–227
Г. Л. Лопес, “Сравнительная асимптотика для многочленов, ортогональных на вещественной оси”, Матем. сб., 137(179):4(12) (1988), 500–525
; G. L. Lopes, “Relative asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal on the real axis”, Math. USSR-Sb., 65:2 (1990), 505–529
Osilenker B., “The Generalized Translation Operator and the Convolution Structure for Orthogonal Polynomials”, Dokl. AN SSSR, 298:5 (1988), 1072–1076
Lopez G. Rakhmanov E., “Rational-Approximations, Orthogonal Polynomials and Equilibrium Distributions”, Lect. Notes Math., 1329 (1988), 125–157
Attila Máté, Paul Nevai, Vilmos Totik, “Extensions of Szegö's theory of orthogonal polynomials, III”, Constr Approx, 3:1 (1987), 73
Attila Máté, Paul Nevai, Vilmos Totik, “Extensions of Szegö's theory of orthogonal polynomials, II”, Constr Approx, 3:1 (1987), 51
Alphonse P. Magnus, “Toeplitz matrix techniques and convergence of complex weight Padé approximants”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 19:1 (1987), 23
Lubinsky D., “A Survey of General Orthogonal Polynomials for Weights on Finite and Infinite Intervals”, Acta Appl. Math., 10:3 (1987), 237–296
Mate A., Nevai P., Totik V., “Strong and Weak-Convergence of Orthogonal Polynomials”, Am. J. Math., 109:2 (1987), 239–281