119 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm2692
Tretyak A., “On Necessary Conditions of Even-Order Optimality in the Time-Optimization Problem for One Class of Control-Systems”, 316, no. 5, 1991, 1058–1060
Sarychev A., “High-Order Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Nonlinear Control-Systems”, Syst. Control Lett., 16:5 (1991), 369–378
A. A. Agrachev, Analysis of Controlled Dynamical Systems, 1991, 11
Alberto Bressan, Analysis of Controlled Dynamical Systems, 1991, 103
Andrej V. Sarychev, Nonlinear Synthesis, 1991, 244
А. И. Третьяк, “О необходимых условиях оптимальности нечетного порядка в задаче быстродействия для систем, линейных по управлению”, Матем. сб., 181:5 (1990), 625–641
; A. I. Tret'yak, “On necessary conditions for odd optimability of high speed prbblem for the linear on control systems”, Math. USSR-Sb., 70:1 (1991), 47–63
Agrachev A., Gamkrelidze R., “The Time Substitution Variation in Optimal-Control”, 311, no. 2, 1990, 265–270
Agrachev A., Gamkrelidze R., Sarychev A., “Local Invariants of Smooth Control-Systems”, Acta Appl. Math., 14:3 (1989), 191–237
P. E. Crouch, F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, “Algebraic and multiple integral identities”, Acta Appl Math, 15:3 (1989), 235
H. J. Sussmann, “A General Theorem on Local Controllability”, SIAM J Control Optim, 25:1 (1987), 158