11 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm2363
А. О. Радомский, “О теореме Романова”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 87:1 (2023), 119–160
; A. O. Radomskii, “On Romanoff's theorem”, Izv. Math., 87:1 (2023), 113–153
A. O. Radomskii, “Generalization of Romanoff's Theorem”, Матем. заметки, 114:5 (2023), 903–913
; A. O. Radomskii, “Generalization of Romanoff's Theorem”, Math. Notes, 114:5 (2023), 903–913
М. Р. Габдуллин, С. В. Конягин, “О работах С. Б. Стечкина по теории чисел”, Чебышевский сб., 21:4 (2020), 9–18
Chen Zh., Winterhof A., “On the Distribution of Pseudorandom Numbers and Vectors Derived From Euler-Fermat Quotients”, Int. J. Number Theory, 8:3 (2012), 631–641
Luca F., Shparlinski I.E., “Pseudoprime Values of the Fibonacci Sequence, Polynomials and the Euler Function”, Indag. Math.-New Ser., 17:4 (2006), 611–625
Blackburn S.R., Gomez-Perez D., Gutierrez J., Shparlinski I.E., “Reconstructing Noisy Polynomial Evaluation in Residue Rings”, J. Algorithms, 61:2 (2006), 47–59
Blackburn S., Gomez-Perez D., Gutierrez J., Shparlinski I., “Predicting Nonlinear Pseudorandom Number Generators”, Math. Comput., 74:251 (2005), 1471–1494
Coppersmith D., Shparlinski I., “On Polynomial Approximation of the Discrete Logarithm and the Diffie-Hellman Mapping”, J. Cryptology, 13:3 (2000), 339–360
С. В. Конягин, Т. Стегер, “О полиномиальных сравнениях”, Матем. заметки, 55:6 (1994), 73–79
; S. V. Konyagin, T. Steger, “On polynomial congruences”, Math. Notes, 55:6 (1994), 596–600
Shparlinskii I., “Polynomial Congruences”, Acta Arith., 58:2 (1991), 153–156