104 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm2205
Clark S., Zemánek P., “On a Weyl–Titchmarsh theory for discrete symplectic systems on a half line”, Appl. Math. Comput., 217:7 (2010), 2952–2976
Damanik D., Killip R., Simon B., “Perturbations of Orthogonal Polynomials with Periodic Recursion Coefficients”, Ann. Math., 171:3 (2010), 1931–2010
Kozhan R., “Szego Asymptotics for Matrix-Valued Measures with Countably Many Bound States”, J. Approx. Theory, 162:6 (2010), 1211–1224
Clayton A., “Quasi-Birth-and-Death Processes and Matrix-Valued Orthogonal Polynomials”, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 31:5 (2010), 2239–2260
Felipe R., “Discrete orthogonal matrix polynomials”, Anal. Math., 35:3 (2009), 189–197
Gruenbaum F.A., “The Karlin-Mcgregor Formula for a Variant of a Discrete Version of Walsh's Spider”, J. Phys. A-Math. Theor., 42:45 (2009), 454010
Miranian L., “Matrix Valued Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle: Some Extensions of the Classical Theory”, Can. Math. Bul.-Bul. Can. Math., 52:1 (2009), 95–104
А. Х. Ханмамедов, “Решение задачи Коши для цепочки Тоды с предельно
периодическими начальными данными”, Матем. сб., 199:3 (2008), 133–142 ; A. Kh. Khanmamedov, “The solution of Cauchy's problem for the Toda lattice with limit periodic initial data”, Sb. Math., 199:3 (2008), 449–458
Molinari L.G., “Determinants of block tridiagonal matrices”, Linear Algebra Appl., 429:8-9 (2008), 2221–2226
С. П. Суетин, “О формулах следов для некоторого класса операторов Якоби”, Матем. сб., 198:6 (2007), 107–138 ; S. P. Suetin, “Trace formulae for a class of Jacobi operators”, Sb. Math., 198:6 (2007), 857–885