27 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm1980
Philippon P., Waldschmidt M., “Linear-Forms for Logarithms on Commutative Algebraic-Groups”, Ill. J. Math., 32:2 (1988), 281–314
Nesterenko Y., “Measures of Algebraic Independence of Numbers and Functions”, Asterisque, 1987, no. 147-48, 141–149
Brownawell W., “Large Transcendence Degree Revisited .1. Exponential and Non-Cm Cases”, Lect. Notes Math., 1290 (1987), 149–173
Brownawell W., Tubbs R., “Large Transcendence Degree Revisited .2. the Cm Case”, Lect. Notes Math., 1290 (1987), 175–188
D. W. Masser, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1290, Diophantine Approximation and Transcendence Theory, 1987, 109
Ю. В. Нестеренко, “О мере алгебраической независимости значений
эллиптической функции в алгебраических точках”, УМН, 40:4(244) (1985), 221–222
; Yu. V. Nesterenko, “On the measure of algebraic independence of the values of an elliptic function at algebraic points”, Russian Math. Surveys, 40:4 (1985), 237–238
Ю. В. Нестеренко, “Об алгебраической независимости алгебраических степеней алгебраических чисел”, Матем. сб., 123(165):4 (1984), 435–459
; Yu. V. Nesterenko, “On algebraic independence of algebraic powers of algebraic numbers”, Math. USSR-Sb., 51:2 (1985), 429–454