77 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm1767
Leszek Hadasz, Zbigniew Jaskólski, “Semiclassical limit of the FZZT Liouville theory”, Nuclear Physics B, 757:3 (2006), 233
Leon A. Takhtajan, Lee-Peng Teo, “Quantum Liouville Theory in the Background Field Formalism I. Compact Riemann Surfaces”, Commun. Math. Phys., 268:1 (2006), 135
Heng-Yu Chen, N. S. Manton, “The Kähler potential of Abelian Higgs vortices”, J Math Phys (N Y ), 46:5 (2005), 052305
В. А. Побережный, “О специальных группах монодромии и проблеме Римана–Гильберта для уравнения Римана”, Матем. заметки, 77:5 (2005), 753–767 ; V. A. Poberezhnyi, “Special Monodromy Groups and the Riemann–Hilbert Problem for the Riemann Equation”, Math. Notes, 77:5 (2005), 695–707
Leszek Hadasz, Zbigniew Jaskólski, Marcin Pia̧tek, “Classical geometry from the quantum Liouville theory”, Nuclear Physics B, 724:3 (2005), 529
Pietro Menotti, Gabriele Vajente, “Semiclassical and quantum Liouville theory on the sphere”, Nuclear Physics B, 709:3 (2005), 465
Aldrovandi E., “Hermitian-Holomorphic Deligne Cohomology, Deligne Pairing for Singular Metrics, and Hyperbolic Metrics”, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2005, no. 17, 1015–1046
Samuel L. Krushkal, Handbook of Complex Analysis, 2, Geometric Function Theory, 2005, 31
А. В. Киселев, “Методы геометрии дифференциальных уравнений в анализе интегрируемых моделей теории поля”, Фундамент. и прикл. матем., 10:1 (2004), 57–165 ; A. V. Kiselev, “Methods of geometry of differential equations in analysis of integrable models of field theory”, J. Math. Sci., 136:6 (2006), 4295–4377
Leszek Hadasz, Zbigniew Jaskólski, “Classical Liouville action on the sphere with three hyperbolic singularities”, Nuclear Physics B, 694:3 (2004), 493