18 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm1607
José Cogolludo-Agustín, Tamás László, Jorge Martín-Morales, András Némethi, Contemporary Mathematics, 778, 𝑝-Adic Analysis, Arithmetic and Singularities, 2022, 231
Dimitrios I. Dais, “Toric log del Pezzo surfaces with one singularity”, Advances in Geometry, 20:1 (2020), 121
Hideo Kojima, Takeshi Takahashi, “Normal del Pezzo surfaces of rank one with log canonical singularities”, Journal of Algebra, 360 (2012), 53
G. D. Noce, “On the Picard Number of Singular Fano Varieties”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2012
Kasprzyk A.M., Kreuzer M., Nill B., “On the Combinatorial Classification of Toric Log Del Pezzo Surfaces”, LMS J. Comput. Math., 13 (2010), 33–46
Dais D.I., “Classification of Toric Log Del Pezzo Surfaces Having Picard Number 1 and Index <= 3”, Results Math., 54:3-4 (2009), 219–252
Okada T., “On the Birational Unboundedness of Higher Dimensional Q-Fano Varieties”, Math. Ann., 345:1 (2009), 195–212
Lin, JY, “Birational unboundedness of Q-Fano threefolds”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2003, no. 6, 301
Ю. Г. Прохоров, В. В. Шокуров, “Первая основная теорема о дополнениях: от глобального к локальному”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 65:6 (2001), 99–128
; Yu. G. Prokhorov, V. V. Shokurov, “The first main theorem on complements: from global to local”, Izv. Math., 65:6 (2001), 1169–1196
D.-Q. ZHANG, “Quotients of K3 surfaces modulo involutions”, Jpn. j. math, 24:2 (1998), 335