35 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm1606
Ivanov A., “Isometry Types of Profinite Groups”, Geod. Dedic., 147:1 (2010), 87–106
Delzant T., Grigorchuk R., “Homomorphic images of branch groups, and Serre's property (FA)”, In Memory of Alexander Reznikov, Progress in Mathematics, 265, 2008, 353–375
Cedo F., Okninski J., “Semigroups of Matrices of Intermediate Growth”, Adv. Math., 212:2 (2007), 669–691
Reznykov I.I., Sushchansky V.I., “On the 3-State Mealy Automata Over an M-Symbol Alphabet of Growth Order [N(Logn)/(2Logm)]”, J. Algebra, 304:2 (2006), 712–754
Riley D. Usefi H., “Restricted Lie Algebras with Subexponential Growth”, Groups, Rings and Algebras, Contemporary Mathematics Series, 420, ed. Chin W. Osterburg W. Quinn D., Amer Mathematical Soc, 2006, 289–294
Bartholdi L., Grigorchuk R., Nekrashevych V., “From fractal groups to fractal sets”, Fractals in Graz 2001: Analysis - Dynamics - Geometry - Stochastics, Trends in Mathematics, 2003, 25–118
Jaikin-Zapirain A., Piontkovski D., “On the Growth of Noetherian Filtered Rings”, Commun. Algebr., 31:1 (2003), 505–512
Laurent Bartholdi, Rostislav I. Grigorchuk, Zoran Šuni, Handbook of Algebra, 3, 2003, 989
Ю. Г. Леонов, “Об оценке снизу роста 3-порожденной 2-группы”, Матем. сб., 192:11 (2001), 77–92
; Yu. G. Leonov, “A lower bound for the growth of a 3-generator 2-group”, Sb. Math., 192:11 (2001), 1661–1676
Roman Muchnik, Igor Pak, “PERCOLATION ON GRIGORCHUK GROUPS”, Communications in Algebra, 29:2 (2001), 661