146 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm158
В. В. Зудилин, “Об иррациональности $\zeta_q(2)$”, УМН, 56:6(342) (2001), 147–148 ; W. V. Zudilin, “On the irrationality of $\zeta _q(2)$”, Russian Math. Surveys, 56:6 (2001), 1183–1185
Bundschuh, P, “Linear independence measures for infinite products”, Manuscripta Mathematica, 105:2 (2001), 253
Grinspan, P, “A measure of simultaneous approximation for quasi-modular functions”, Ramanujan Journal, 5:1 (2001), 21
Bundschuh P., “Arithmetical properties of the solutions of certain functional equations”, Number Theory, 2001, 25–42
В. В. Зудилин, “Тэта-константы и дифференциальные уравнения”, Матем. сб., 191:12 (2000), 77–122 ; W. V. Zudilin, “Thetanulls and differential equations”, Sb. Math., 191:12 (2000), 1827–1871
Duverney, D, “On some arithmetical properties of Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction”, Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 37:3 (2000), 759
Diaz, G, “Algebraic independence and transcendence: Links between elliptic and modular viewpoints”, Ramanujan Journal, 4:2 (2000), 157
Matala-Aho, T, “On diophantine approximations of mock theta functions of third order”, Ramanujan Journal, 4:1 (2000), 13
Saradha, N, “Transcendence measure for eta/omega”, Acta Arithmetica, 92:1 (2000), 11
Michel Waldschmidt, Number Theory, 2000, 497