147 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm158
Krattenthaler, C, “On the non-quadraticity of values of the q-exponential function and related q-series”, Acta Arithmetica, 136:3 (2009), 243
Smet, C, “Irrationality proof of a q-extension of zeta(2) using little q-Jacobi polynomials”, Acta Arithmetica, 138:2 (2009), 165
Bundschuh, P, “Quantitative linear independence of an infinite product and its derivatives”, Manuscripta Mathematica, 129:4 (2009), 423
Pila, J, “Rational Points of Definable Sets and Results of Andre-Oort-Manin-Mumford type”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2009, no. 13, 2476
Gun, S, “Transcendence of the log gamma function and some discrete periods”, Journal of Number Theory, 129:9 (2009), 2154
Borwein, P, “TRANSCENDENCE OF POWER SERIES FOR SOME NUMBER THEORETIC FUNCTIONS”, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 137:4 (2009), 1303
Bundschuh P., “Series of reciprocal products with factors from linear recurrence sequences”, Portugaliae Mathematica, 66:4 (2009), 413–426
Federico Pellarin, “Sur les idéaux stables dans certains anneaux différentiels de formes quasi-modulaires de Hilbert”, Ramanujan J, 15:2 (2008), 147
Jean-Paul Bézivin, “Irrationalité de certaines sommes de séries”, manuscripta math, 126:1 (2008), 41
Bosser, V, “Multiplicity estimates for certain pairs of functions involving Drinfeld modular forms”, Acta Arithmetica, 134:1 (2008), 31