9 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm1575
Angelo Felice Lopez, Trends in Mathematics, The Art of Doing Algebraic Geometry, 2023, 261
Vincenzo Martello, “On Enriques-Fano threefolds and a conjecture of Castelnuovo”, manuscripta math., 172:1-2 (2023), 443
Nasu H., “Obstructions to Deforming Curves on An Enriques-Fano 3-Fold”, J. Pure Appl. Algebr., 225:9 (2021), 106677
Ciliberto C., Dedieu T., Galati C., Knutsen A.L., “Moduli of Curves on Enriques Surfaces”, Adv. Math., 365 (2020), 107010
Totaro B., “Bott Vanishing For Algebraic Surfaces”, Trans. Am. Math. Soc., 373:5 (2020), 3609–3626
Lee N.-H., “Calabi-Yau Double Coverings of Fano-Enriques Threefolds”, Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc., 62:1 (2019), 107–114
Knutsen A.L., Lopez A.F., Munoz R., “On the Extendability of Projective Surfaces and a Genus Bound for Enriques-Fano Threefolds”, J. Differ. Geom., 88:3 (2011), 483–518
И. В. Каржеманов, “О трехмерных многообразиях Фано с каноническими горенштейновыми особенностями”, Матем. сб., 200:8 (2009), 111–146 ; I. V. Karzhemanov, “On Fano threefolds with canonical Gorenstein singularities”, Sb. Math., 200:8 (2009), 1215–1246
Ю. Г. Прохоров, “Степень многообразий $\mathbb Q$-Фано”, Матем. сб., 198:11 (2007), 153–174 ; Yu. G. Prokhorov, “The degree of $\mathbb Q$-Fano threefolds”, Sb. Math., 198:11 (2007), 1683–1702