11 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm1428
Oliver Braunling, Michael Groechenig, Jesse Wolfson, “A generalized Contou-Carrère symbol and its reciprocity laws in higher dimensions”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B, 8:23 (2021), 679
Pablos Romo F., “A General Reciprocity Law For Symbols on Arbitrary Vector Spaces”, J. Algebra. Appl., 17:6 (2018), 1850101
Osipov D.V., “Second Chern Numbers of Vector Bundles and Higher Adeles”, Bull. Korean. Math. Soc., 54:5 (2017), 1699–1718
Osipov D., Zhu X., “The two-dimensional Contou-Carrère symbol and reciprocity laws”, J. Algebr. Geom., 25:4 (2016), 703–774
Yekutieli A., “Local Beilinson-Tate Operators”, Algebr. Number Theory, 9:1 (2015), 173–224
Д. В. Осипов, “Неразветвленное двумерное соответствие Ленглендса”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 77:4 (2013), 73–102
; D. V. Osipov, “The unramified two-dimensional Langlands correspondence”, Izv. Math., 77:4 (2013), 714–741
Denis Osipov, Xinwen Zhu, “A categorical proof of the Parshin reciprocity laws on algebraic surfaces”, ANT, 5:3 (2011), 289
E. Frenkel, X. Zhu, “Gerbal Representations of Double Loop Groups”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2011
Осипов Д.В., Паршин А.Н., “Гармонический анализ и теорема римана–роха”, Доклады академии наук, 441:4 (2011), 444–444
; Osipov D.V., Parshin A.N., “Harmonic analysis and the Riemann-Roch theorem”, Doklady Mathematics, 84:3 (2011), 826–829
Д. В. Осипов, А. Н. Паршин, “Гармонический анализ на локальных полях и пространствах аделей. I”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 72:5 (2008), 77–140
; D. V. Osipov, A. N. Parshin, “Harmonic analysis on local fields and adelic spaces. I”, Izv. Math., 72:5 (2008), 915–976