22 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm1342
Andreas Fischer, Alexey F. Izmailov, Mario Jelitte, “Behavior of Newton-Type Methods Near Critical Solutions of Nonlinear Equations with Semismooth Derivatives”, J Optim Theory Appl, 2023
Jean-Paul Penot, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 266, Calculus Without Derivatives, 2013, 1
Jean-Paul Penot, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 266, Calculus Without Derivatives, 2013, 187
Jean-Paul Penot, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 266, Calculus Without Derivatives, 2013, 357
Jean-Paul Penot, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 266, Calculus Without Derivatives, 2013, 463
Jean-Paul Penot, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 266, Calculus Without Derivatives, 2013, 407
Jean-Paul Penot, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 266, Calculus Without Derivatives, 2013, 117
Jean-Paul Penot, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 266, Calculus Without Derivatives, 2013, 263
А. В. Арутюнов, “Гладкие анормальные задачи теории экстремума и анализа”, УМН, 67:3(405) (2012), 3–62 ; A. V. Arutyunov, “Smooth abnormal problems in extremum theory and analysis”, Russian Math. Surveys, 67:3 (2012), 403–457
А. В. Арутюнов, С. Е. Жуковский, “Существование обратных отображений и их свойства”, Дифференциальные уравнения и топология. II, Сборник статей. К 100-летию со дня рождения академика Льва Семеновича Понтрягина, Труды МИАН, 271, МАИК «Наука/Интерпериодика», М., 2010, 18–28 ; A. V. Arutyunov, S. E. Zhukovskiy, “Existence and properties of inverse mappings”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 271 (2010), 12–22