32 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm1231
Fang G., Ye P., “Integration Error for Multivariate Functions From Anisotropic Classes”, J. Complex., 19:4 (2003), 610–627
Temlyakov V., “Cubature Formulas, Discrepancy, and Nonlinear Approximation”, J. Complex., 19:3 (2003), 352–391
Е. Д. Нурсултанов, Н. Т. Тлеуханова, “О приближенном вычислении интегралов для функций из пространств $W_p^\alpha[0,1]^n$”, УМН, 55:6(336) (2000), 153–154
; E. D. Nursultanov, N. T. Tleukhanova, “Approximate computation of integrals for functions in $W_p^\alpha[0,1]^n$”, Russian Math. Surveys, 55:6 (2000), 1165–1167
Erich Novak, Klaus Ritter, Richard Schmitt, Achim Steinbauer, “On an interpolatory method for high dimensional integration”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 112:1-2 (1999), 215
Wang Heping, “Quadrature formulas for classes of functions with bounded mixed derivative or difference”, Sci. China Ser. A, 40:5 (1997), 449–458
В. В. Дубинин, “Кубатурные формулы для классов Бесова”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 61:2 (1997), 27–52
; V. V. Dubinin, “Cubature formulae for Besov classes”, Izv. Math., 61:2 (1997), 259–283
Н. Темиргалиев, “Об эффективности алгоритмов численного интегрирования, связанных с теорией дивизоров в круговых полях”, Матем. заметки, 61:2 (1997), 297–301
; N. Temirgaliev, “Efficiency of numerical integration algorithms related to divisor theory in cyclotomic fields”, Math. Notes, 61:2 (1997), 242–245
Erich Novak, Klaus Ritter, Multivariate Approximation and Splines, 1997, 177
Novak E., Ritter K., “High Dimensional Integration of Smooth Functions Over Cubes”, Numer. Math., 75:1 (1996), 79–97
Ritter K., Wasilkowski G.W., Wozniakowski H., “Multivariate Integration and Approximation for Random Fields Satisfying Sacks-Ylvisaker Conditions”, Ann. Appl. Probab., 5:2 (1995), 518–540