174 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm1196
E.R. Sharpe, Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, 2006, 41
A. Polishchuk, Noncommutative Geometry and Number Theory, 2006, 341
Johannes Walcher, “Stability of Landau-Ginzburg branes”, J Math Phys (N Y ), 46:8 (2005), 082305
Lowen W., Van den Bergh M., “Hochschild Cohomology of Abelian Categories and Ringed Spaces”, Adv. Math., 198:1 (2005), 172–221
Tabuada G., “Additive Invariants of Dg-Categories”, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2005, no. 53, 3309–3339
Herbst M., Lazaroiu C., Lerche W., “D-Brane Effective Action and Tachyon Condensation in Topological Minimal Models”, J. High Energy Phys., 2005, no. 3, 078
Keller B., “On Triangulated Orbit Categories - Dedicated to Claus Michael Ringel on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday”, Doc. Math., 10 (2005), 551–581
Aspinwall P., “D-Branes on Calabi-Yau Manifolds”, Progress in String Theory: Tasi 2003 Lecture Notes, ed. Maldacena J., World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2005, 1–152
А. Н. Капустин, Д. О. Орлов, “Лекции о зеркальной симметрии, производных категориях и $D$-бранах”, УМН, 59:5(359) (2004), 101–134
; A. N. Kapustin, D. O. Orlov, “Lectures on mirror symmetry, derived categories, and $D$-branes”, Russian Math. Surveys, 59:5 (2004), 907–940
А. И. Бондал, “Симплектический группоид треугольных билинейных форм и группа кос”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 68:4 (2004), 19–74
; A. I. Bondal, “A symplectic groupoid of triangular bilinear forms and the braid group”, Izv. Math., 68:4 (2004), 659–708