84 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm1128
Warren Cattani, Franco Giovenzana, Shengxuan Liu, Pablo Magni, Luigi Martinelli, Laura Pertusi, Jieao Song, “Kernels of categorical resolutions of nodal singularities”, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, II. Ser, 72:6 (2023), 3077
Xuan Yu, “Support theory of abelian categories—some discussion”, Kyoto J. Math., 63:4 (2023)
Pippi M., “Motivic and l-Adic Realizations of the Category of Singularities of the Zero Locus of a Global Section of a Vector Bundle”, Sel. Math.-New Ser., 28:2 (2022), 33
Karmazyn J., Kuznetsov A., Shinder E., “Derived Categories of Singular Surfaces”, J. Eur. Math. Soc., 24:2 (2022), 461–526
Laterveer R., “On the Chow Ring of Fano Varieties on the Fatighenti-Mongardi List”, Commun. Algebr., 50:1 (2022), 131–145
Ben Davison, Tudor Pădurariu, “Deformed dimensional reduction”, Geom. Topol., 26:2 (2022), 721
Pieter Belmans, Lie Fu, Theo Raedschelders, “Derived categories of flips and cubic hypersurfaces”, Proceedings of London Math Soc, 125:6 (2022), 1452
Yves Baudelaire Fomatati, “On tensor products of matrix factorizations”, Journal of Algebra, 609 (2022), 180
Qingyuan Jiang, Naichung Conan Leung, “Derived categories of projectivizations and flops”, Advances in Mathematics, 396 (2022), 108169
Fatighenti E., Mongardi G., “Fano Varieties of K3-Type and Ihs Manifolds”, Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2021:4 (2021), 3097–3142