27 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sjvm83
  1. Vulkov L.G., Zadorin A.I., “Two-grid algorithms for an ordinary second order equation with an exponential boundary layer in the solution”, Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model., 7:3 (2010), 580–592  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib
  2. А. И. Задорин, Н. А. Задорин, “Сплайн-интерполяция на равномерной сетке функции с погранслойной составляющей”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 50:2 (2010), 221–233  mathnet  mathscinet  adsnasa; A. I. Zadorin, N. A. Zadorin, “Spline interpolation on a uniform grid for a function with a boundary layer component”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 50:2 (2010), 211–223  crossref  isi
  3. Vulkov L., Zadorin A.I., “Two-grid Algorithms for The Solution of 2D Semilinear Singularly-perturbed Convection-diffusion Equations Using an Exponential Finite Difference Scheme”, Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1186, 2009, 371–379  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi  scopus
  4. Vulkov L.C., Zadorin A.I., “A Two-Grid Algorithm for Solution of the Difference Equations of a System of Singularly Perturbed Semilinear Equations”, Numerical Analysis and its Applications - 4th International Conference, NAA 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5434, 2009, 580–587  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi
  5. Zadorin A.I., “Interpolation Method for a Function with a Singular Component”, Numerical Analysis and its Applications - 4th International Conference, NAA 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5434, 2009, 612–619  crossref  zmath  isi
  6. А. И. Задорин, “Метод интерполяции на сгущающейся сетке для функции с погранслойной составляющей”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 48:9 (2008), 1673–1684  mathnet  mathscinet; A. I. Zadorin, “Refined-mesh interpolation method for functions with a boundary-layer component”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 48:9 (2008), 1634–1645  crossref  isi
  7. Vulkov L.G., Zadorin A.I., “Two-grid Interpolation Algorithms for Difference Schemes of Exponential Type for Semilinear Diffusion Convection-Dominated Equations”, Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics '34, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1067, 2008, 284–292  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi