6 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sjvm299
  1. Рукавишников В.А., “О краевых задачах с сильной сингулярностью”, Вестник Тихоокеанского государственного университета, 2011, № 2, 033–042  mathscinet  elib
  2. Rukavishnikov V.A., “Methods of Numerical Analysis for Boundary Value Problems with Strong Singularity”, Russ. J. Numer. Anal. Math. Model, 24:6 (2009), 565–590  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
  3. E. V. Kashuba, V. A. Rukavishnikov, “On the $p$-version of the finite element method for the boundary value problem with singularity”, Сиб. журн. вычисл. матем., 8:1 (2005), 31–42  mathnet  zmath
  4. Rukavishnikov V., “On the Uniqueness of an R-V-Generalized Solution to Boundary Value Problems with Inconsistently Degenerate Initial Data”, Dokl. Math., 63:1 (2001), 68–70  mathscinet  zmath  isi
  5. A. Yu. Bespalov, V. A. Rukavishnikov, “The use of singular functions in the $h$-$p$ version of the finite element method for a Dirichlet problem with degeneration of the input data”, Сиб. журн. вычисл. матем., 4:3 (2001), 201–228  mathnet  zmath
  6. Bespalov A., Rukavishnikov V., “The Exponential Rate of Convergence of the Finite-Element Method for the Dirichlet Problem with Singularity of the Solution”, Dokl. Math., 62:2 (2000), 266–270  mathscinet  zmath  isi