8 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sjim686
  1. Leble S., Vereshchagin S., Bakhmetieva V N., Grigoriev I G., “on the Diagnosis of Unidirectional Acoustic Waves as Applied to the Measurement of Atmospheric Parameters By the Api Method in the Sura Experiment”, Atmosphere, 11:9 (2020), 924  crossref  isi  scopus
  2. Leble S.B., Vereshchagin S.D., Vereshchagina I.S., “Algorithm For the Diagnostics of Waves and Entropy Mode in the Exponentially Stratified Atmosphere”, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. B, 14:2 (2020), 371–376  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus
  3. Kabanikhin S.I., Iskakov K.T., Tokseit D.K., Shishlenin M.A., Toibekov A., “Problem of Describing the Function of a Gpr Source”, Bull. Karaganda Univ-Math., 100:4 (2020), 71–80  crossref  isi
  4. С. И. Кабанихин, О. И. Криворотько, “Алгоритм восстановления источника возмущений в системе нелинейных уравнений мелкой воды”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 58:8 (2018), 138–147  mathnet  crossref  elib; S. I. Kabanikhin, O. I. Krivorotko, “An algorithm for source reconstruction in nonlinear shallow-water equations”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 58:8 (2018), 1334–1343  crossref  isi
  5. Holec M. Cotelo M. Velarde P. Liska R., “Application of Discontinuous Galerkin Adaptive Mesh and Order Refinement Method to Energy Transport and Conservation Equation in Radiation-Hydrodynamics”, Proceedings of the 1St Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics and Xi Argentine Congress on Computational Mechanics, ed. Idelsohn S. Sonzogni V. Coutinho A. Cruchaga M. Lew A. Cerrolaza M., Int Center Numerical Methods Engineering, 2015, 919–930  isi
  6. Kabanikhin S.I. Krivorotko O.I., “Coupled Inverse Problems and Visualization of Atmosphere-Ocean System”, Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering Vi, ed. Schrefler B. Onate E. Papadrakakis M., Int Center Numerical Methods Engineering, 2015, 921–929  isi
  7. М. А. Шишленин, “Матричный метод в задачах определения источников колебаний”, Сиб. электрон. матем. изв., 11 (2014), 161–171  mathnet
  8. Agoshkov V.I., Rakhuba M.V., “The Study of Tsunami Source Reconstruction Problem”, Russ. J. Numer. Anal. Math. Model, 28:1 (2013), 1–12  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus