87 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm994
Ю. Г. Прохоров, “Рациональные поверхности”, Лекц. курсы НОЦ, 24, МИАН, М., 2015, 3–76
Borovoi M., “Real Reductive Cayley Groups of Rank 1 and 2”, 436, 2015, 35–60
Blanc J., Heden I., “the Group of Cremona Transformations Generated By Linear Maps and the Standard Involution”, 65, no. 6, 2015, 2641–2680
Jérémy Blanc, “Non-rationality of some fibrations associated to Klein surfaces”, Beitr Algebra Geom, 56:1 (2015), 351
Jérémy Blanc, Frédéric Mangolte, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 79, Automorphisms in Birational and Affine Geometry, 2014, 35
A.S.. Trepalin, “Rationality of the quotient of ℙ2 by finite group of automorphisms over arbitrary field of characteristic zero”, centr.eur.j.math, 2013
Tsygankov V.I., “The Conjugacy Classes of Finite Nonsolvable Subgroups in the Plane Cremona Group”, Adv. Geom., 13:2 (2013), 323–347
В. И. Цыганков, “Уравнения $G$-минимальных расслоений на коники”, Матем. сб., 202:11 (2011), 103–160
; V. I. Tsygankov, “Equations of $G$-minimal conic bundles”, Sb. Math., 202:11 (2011), 1667–1721
Blanc J., “Elements and cyclic subgroups of finite order of the Cremona group”, Comment Math Helv, 86:2 (2011), 469–497
Blanc J., Mangolte F., “Geometrically rational real conic bundles and very transitive actions”, Compos Math, 147:1 (2011), 161–187