33 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm9835
N. Anders Petersson, Stefanie Günther, Seung Whan Chung, “A time-parallel multiple-shooting method for large-scale quantum optimal control”, Journal of Computational Physics, 2025, 113712
Omar Shindi, Qi Yu, Parth Girdhar, Daoyi Dong, “Model-Free Quantum Gate Design and Calibration Using Deep Reinforcement Learning”, IEEE Trans. Artif. Intell., 5:1 (2024), 346
Ido Halperin, “The Meaning and Accuracy of the Improving Functions in the Solution of the CBQR by Krotov's Method”, Mathematics, 12:4 (2024), 611
О. В. Моржин, А. Н. Печень, “Применение и оптимизация зависящих от времени скоростей декогеренции и когерентного управления для кутрита”, Некоммутативный анализ и квантовая информатика, Сборник статей. К 80-летию академика Александра Семеновича Холево, Труды МИАН, 324, МИАН, М., 2024, 162–178 ; Oleg V. Morzhin, Alexander N. Pechen, “Using and Optimizing Time-Dependent Decoherence Rates and Coherent Control for a Qutrit System”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 324 (2024), 153–168
A. N. Pechen, V. N. Petruhanov, O. V. Morzhin, B. O. Volkov, “Control landscapes for high-fidelity generation of C-NOT and C-PHASE gates with coherent and environmental driving”, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 139 (2024), 411
Philippe Lewalle, Yipei Zhang, K. Birgitta Whaley, “Optimal Zeno Dragging for Quantum Control: A Shortcut to Zeno with Action-Based Scheduling Optimization”, PRX Quantum, 5:2 (2024)
O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen, “Generation of C-NOT, SWAP, and C-Z Gates for two qubits using coherent and incoherent controls and stochastic optimization”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 45:2 (2024), 728–740
Vincent Hardel, Giovanni Manfredi, Paul-Antoine Hervieux, Rémi Goerlich, “Shortcuts to adiabaticity in harmonic traps: A quantum-classical analog”, Phys. Rev. E, 110:5 (2024)
Michael Schilling, Francesco Preti, Matthias M. Müller, Tommaso Calarco, Felix Motzoi, “Exponentiation of parametric Hamiltonians via unitary interpolation”, Phys. Rev. Research, 6:4 (2024)
V. N. Petruhanov, A. N. Pechen, “Quantum gate generation in two-level open quantum systems by coherent and incoherent photons found with gradient search”, Photonics, 10:2 (2023), 220