58 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm9729
Taghavi A., Roushan T.A., “on a Generalization of An Approximation Operator Defined By a. Guessab”, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 69:12 (2021), 2340–2352
А. Б. Александров, “Об операторно липшицевой норме функции $z^n$ на конечных подмножествах единичной окружности”, Исследования по линейным операторам и теории функций. 49, Зап. научн. сем. ПОМИ, 503, ПОМИ, СПб., 2021, 5–21
P. D. Hislop, Ch. A. Marx, “Dependence of the density of states outer measure on the potential for deterministic Schrödinger operators on graphs with applications to ergodic and random models”, J. Funct. Anal., 281:9 (2021), 109186
V. Koltchinskii, M. Zhilova, “Estimation of smooth functionals in normal models: bias reduction and asymptotic efficiency”, Ann. Stat., 49:5 (2021), 2577–2610
V. Koltchinskii, M. Zhilova, “Efficient estimation of smooth functionals in Gaussian shift models”, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincare-Probab. Stat., 57:1 (2021), 351–386
J. A. Carrillo, U. Vaes, “Wasserstein stability estimates for covariance-preconditioned Fokker-Planck equations”, Nonlinearity, 34:4 (2021), 2275–2295
S. Minsker, X. Wei, “Robust modifications of u-statistics and applications to covariance estimation problems”, Bernoulli, 26:1 (2020), 694–727
A. Meier, C. Kirch, R. Meyer, “Bayesian nonparametric analysis of multivariate time series: a matrix gamma process approach”, J. Multivar. Anal., 175 (2020), 104560
Aleksandrov A.B., Peller V.V., “Functions of Noncommuting Operators Under Perturbation of Class Sp”, Math. Nachr., 293:5 (2020), 847–860
A. Rudi, L. Wossnig, C. Ciliberto, A. Rocchetto, M. Pontil, S. Severini, “Approximating Hamiltonian dynamics with the nystrom method”, Quantum, 4 (2020)