28 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm919
Gil Bor, Serge Tabachnikov, “On Cusps of Caustics by Reflection: Billiard Variations on the Four Vertex Theorem and on Jacobi's Last Geometric Statement”, The American Mathematical Monthly, 130:5 (2023), 454
Mikhail B. Sevryuk, “Three Examples in the Dynamical Systems Theory”, SIGMA, 18 (2022), 084, 13 pp.
Balk P.I., Dolgal A.S., “Generalized Solutions of the Inverse Problem and New Technologies For the Quantitative Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies”, Izv.-Phys. Solid Earth, 54:2 (2018), 372–387
Boris Khesin, Sergei Tabachnikov, “Vladimir Igorevich Arnold. 12 June 1937—3 June 2010”, Biogr. Mems Fell. R. Soc., 64 (2018), 7
S. L. Tabachnikov, V. Yu. Ovsienko, “Hyperbolic Carathéodory Conjecture”, Анализ и особенности. Часть 1, Сборник статей. К 70-летию со дня рождения академика Владимира Игоревича Арнольда, Труды МИАН, 258, Наука, МАИК «Наука/Интерпериодика», М., 2007, 185–200
; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 258 (2007), 178–193
R. Uribe-Vargas, “A projective invariant for swallowtails and godrons, and global theorems on the flecnodal curve”, Mosc. Math. J., 6:4 (2006), 731–768
П. Е. Пушкарь, Ю. В. Чеканов, “Комбинаторика фронтов лежандровых зацеплений и 4-гипотезы Арнольда”, УМН, 60:1(361) (2005), 99–154
; P. E. Pushkar', Yu. V. Chekanov, “Combinatorics of fronts of Legendrian links and the Arnol'd 4-conjectures”, Russian Math. Surveys, 60:1 (2005), 95–149
Galaktionov V.A., Harwin P.J., “Sturm's theorems on zero sets in nonlinear parabolic equations”, Sturm-Liouville Theory: Past and Present, 2005, 173–199
A. V. Borovskikh, “Group Classification of Eikonal Equations for the Wave Equation in Inhomogeneous Media”, J Math Sci, 129:1 (2005), 3537
Arnold's Problems, 2005, 181