40 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm743
  1. Li Yu, “A generalization of moment-angle manifolds with noncontractible orbit spaces”, Algebr. Geom. Topol., 24:1 (2024), 449  crossref
  2. Steven Amelotte, Benjamin Briggs, “Cohomology operations for moment-angle complexes and resolutions of Stanley–Reisner rings”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B, 11:25 (2024), 826  crossref
  3. Matthias Franz, Fields Institute Communications, 89, Toric Topology and Polyhedral Products, 2024, 121  crossref
  4. Elizabeth Vidaurre, Fields Institute Communications, 89, Toric Topology and Polyhedral Products, 2024, 313  crossref
  5. A. Bahri, M. Bendersky, F. R. Cohen, S. Gitler, Fields Institute Communications, 89, Toric Topology and Polyhedral Products, 2024, 27  crossref
  6. Ðorđe Baralić, Aleš Vavpetič, Aleksandar Vučić, “Universal Complexes in Toric Topology”, Results Math, 78:6 (2023)  crossref
  7. Kouyemon Iriye, Daisuke Kishimoto, “Golod and tight 3–manifolds”, Algebr. Geom. Topol., 23:5 (2023), 2191  crossref
  8. Т. Е. Панов, И. К. Зейникешева, “Эквивариантные когомологии момент–угол-комплексов относительно координатных подторов”, Торическая топология, действия групп, геометрия и комбинаторика. Часть 1, Сборник статей, Труды МИАН, 317, МИАН, М., 2022, 157–167  mathnet  crossref; Taras E. Panov, Indira K. Zeinikesheva, “Equivariant Cohomology of Moment–Angle Complexes with Respect to Coordinate Subtori”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 317 (2022), 141–150  crossref
  9. Zhi Lü, Song Zhang, “On the (co)homology of (quotients of) moment-angle manifolds over polygons”, Acta Math Sci, 42:6 (2022), 2204  crossref
  10. Iriye K., Kishimoto D., “Two-Dimensional Golod Complexes”, Homol. Homotopy Appl., 23:2 (2021), 215–226  crossref  mathscinet  isi