314 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm7335
  1. R. G. Newton, “Inverse Problems in Physics”, SIAM Rev., 12:3 (1970), 346  crossref
  2. T. J. P. O'Brien, R. B. Bernstein, “Investigation of the Hylleraas Method for Determining the Potential-Energy Function from the Phase Shift”, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 51:11 (1969), 5112  crossref
  3. S. A. AFZAL, A. A. Z. AHMAD, S. ALI, “Systematic Survey of theα−αInteraction”, Rev. Mod. Phys., 41:1 (1969), 247  crossref
  4. K. Chadan, A. Montes, “Derivation of Nonrelativistic Sum Rules from the Causality Condition of Wigner and Van Kampen”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 9:11 (1968), 1898  crossref
  5. F. Calogero, A. Degasperis, “Values of the Potential and Its Derivatives at the Origin in Terms of the S-Wave Phase Shift and Bound-State Parameters”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 9:1 (1968), 90  crossref
  6. Pierre C. Sabatier, “Approach to Scattering Problems through Interpolation Formulas and Application to Spin-Orbit Potentials”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 9:8 (1968), 1241  crossref
  7. Philip J. Wyatt, “Differential Light Scattering: a Physical Method for Identifying Living Bacterial Cells”, Appl. Opt., 7:10 (1968), 1879  crossref
  8. D. Heim, C. Sharpe, “The Synthesis of Nonuniform Lines of Finite Length-Part I”, IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, 14:4 (1967), 394  crossref
  9. G. Rasche, “Effective range analysis of s- and d-wave α-α scattering”, Nuclear Physics A, 94:2 (1967), 301  crossref
  10. H. Primas, “A density functional representation of quantum chemistry. I. Motivation and general formalism”, Int J of Quantum Chemistry, 1:4 (1967), 493  crossref