319 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm7335
P. Deift, E. Trubowitz, “Inverse scattering on the line”, Comm Pure Appl Math, 32:2 (1979), 121
Bernard Bendow, Stanford P. Yukon, Fiber Optics, 1979, 323
H. E. Moses, “Gel'fand–Levitan equations with comparison measures and comparison potentials”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 20:10 (1979), 2047
W Symes, “Inverse boundary value problems and a theorem of Gel'fand and Levitan”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 71:2 (1979), 379
F. Lambert, “Explicit solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equation without scattering data”, Nuov Cim A, 51:3 (1979), 431
A. F. Fercher, H. Bartelt, H. Becker, E. Wiltschko, “Image formation by inversion of scattered field data: experiments and computational simulation”, Appl. Opt., 18:14 (1979), 2427
H. A. Haus, “Physical interpretation of inverse scattering formalism applied to self-induced transparency”, Rev. Mod. Phys., 51:2 (1979), 331
W Symes, “An integral representation for eigenfunctions of linear ordinary differential operators”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 70:1 (1979), 101
H. B. Thacker, C. Quigg, Jonathan L. Rosner, “Inverse scattering problem for quarkonium systems. I. One-dimensional formalism and methodology”, Phys. Rev. D, 18:1 (1978), 274
Mark J. Ablowitz, “Lectures on the Inverse Scattering Transform”, Stud Appl Math, 58:1 (1978), 17