700 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm6404
R. Maier, I. Damião Soares, “Bouncing braneworld cosmologies and initial conditions to inflation”, Phys Rev D, 79:2 (2009), 023522
Anna Battisti, Rocco G. Lalopa, Alexander Tenenbaum, Maira D’Alessandro, “Ordered and chaotic dynamics of collective variables in a butane molecule”, Phys Rev E, 79:4 (2009), 046206
Irina I. Rypina, Michael G. Brown, Huseyin Koçak, “Transport in an Idealized Three-Gyre System with Application to the Adriatic Sea”, J Phys Oceanogr, 39:3 (2009), 675
Laurent Stolovitch, “Progress in normal form theory”, Nonlinearity, 22:7 (2009), R77
Amadeu Delshams, Gemma Huguet, “Geography of resonances and Arnold diffusion in a priori unstable Hamiltonian systems”, Nonlinearity, 22:8 (2009), 1997
Jian Li, Wei-Dong Li, Jie Liu, Yi-Sui Sun, “Large excursions of action within the resonance of a degenerate Hamiltonian system with two degrees of freedom”, Phys Rev E, 80:2 (2009), 026216
Marco Frasca, “Dual Lindstedt series and Kolmogorov–Arnol’d–Moser theorem”, J Math Phys (N Y ), 50:10 (2009), 102904
Ernest Fontich, Rafael de la Llave, Yannick Sire, “Construction of invariant whiskered tori by a parameterization method. Part I: Maps and flows in finite dimensions”, Journal of Differential Equations, 246:8 (2009), 3136
William E. Wiesel, “Kam Tori Normal Coordinates”, J of Astronaut Sci, 57:4 (2009), 691
M. Mestre, P.M. Cincotta, C.M. Giordano, “Testing the accuracy of the overlap criterion”, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 44:2 (2009), 180