219 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm5792
M. V. Jacobson, “Invariant measures for some one-dimensional attractors”, Ergod Th Dynam Sys, 2:3-4 (1982)
Ya. B. Pesin, Ya. G. Sinai, “Gibbs measures for partially hyperbolic attractors”, Ergod Th Dynam Sys, 2:3-4 (1982)
Fran¸ois Ledrappier, Jean-Marie Strelcyn, “A proof of the estimation from below in Pesin's entropy formula”, Ergod Th Dynam Sys, 2:2 (1982)
Н. И. Чернов, “Построение трансверсальных слоев в многомерных полурассеивающих бильярдах”, Функц. анализ и его прил., 16:4 (1982), 35–46 ; N. I. Chernov, “Structure of transversal leaves in multidimensional semidispersing billiards”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 16:4 (1982), 270–280
Я. Б. Песин, “Геодезические потоки с гиперболическим поведением траекторий
и связанные с ними объекты”, УМН, 36:4(220) (1981), 3–51 ; Ya. B. Pesin, “Geodesic flows with hyperbolic behaviour of the trajectories and objects connected with them”, Russian Math. Surveys, 36:4 (1981), 1–59
R. Englman, “Relaxation dynamics of excited impurities in solids”, Chemical Physics, 58:2 (1981), 227
J F C van Velsen, J Phys A Math Gen, 13:3 (1980), 833
L. A. Bunimovich, Ya. G. Sinai, “Markov Partitions for dispersed billiards”, Comm Math Phys, 78:2 (1980), 247
Kenneth G. Kay, “Numerical study of intramolecular vibrational energy transfer: Quantal, classical, and statistical behavior”, J Chem Phys, 72:11 (1980), 5955
A. Katok, “Smooth non-BernoulliK-automorphisms”, Invent Math, 61:3 (1980), 291