219 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm5792
Liverani C., “On the Work and Vision of Dmitry Dolgopyat”, J. Mod. Dyn., 4:2 (2010), 211–225
Ya. B. Pesin, Ya. G. Sinai, Selecta, 2010, 328
Ulysse Serres, “On Zermelo-Like Problems: Gauss–Bonnet Inequality and E. Hopf Theorem”, J Dyn Control Syst, 2009
Amie Wilkinson, Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, 2009, 8168
Amie Wilkinson, Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science Series, Ergodic Theory, 2009, 313
NURLAN S. DAIRBEKOV, GABRIEL P. PATERNAIN, “Rigidity properties of Anosov optical hypersurfaces”, Ergod Th Dynam Sys, 2008, 1
Balint P., Toth I.P., “Exponential Decay of Correlations in Multi-Dimensional Dispersing Billiards”, Ann Henri Poincaré, 9:7 (2008), 1309–1369
Michihiro Hirayama, Yakov Pesin, “Non-absolutely continuous foliations”, Isr J Math, 160:1 (2007), 173
Pesin, Y, “Existence and genericity problems for dynamical systems with nonzero Lyapunov exponents”, Regular & Chaotic Dynamics, 12:5 (2007), 476
Steven Lansel, Mason A. Porter, Leonid A. Bunimovich, “One-particle and few-particle billiards”, Chaos, 16:1 (2006), 013129