56 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm5544
Silvano Baggio, “Equivariant K-theory of smooth toric varieties”, Tohoku Math. J. (2), 59:2 (2007)
Izuru Mori, S. Paul. Smith, “The Grothendieck group of a quantum projective space bundle”, K-Theory, 37:3 (2006), 263
Bohning, C, “Derived categories of coherent sheaves on rational homogeneous manifolds”, Documenta Mathematica, 11 (2006), 261
Frédéric Patras, Handbook of Algebra, 3, 2003, 961
E. N. Materov, “The Bott formula for toric varieties”, Mosc. Math. J., 2:1 (2002), 161–182
Serge Lang, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 211, Algebra, 2002, 761
V. Srinivas, The Arithmetic and Geometry of Algebraic Cycles, 2000, 347
Nikita A. Karpenko, “Three theorems on common splitting fields of central simple algebras”, Isr J Math, 111:1 (1999), 125
Eric Sharpe, “D-branes, derived categories, and Grothendieck groups”, Nuclear Physics B, 561:3 (1999), 433
В. Г. Дринфельд, В. А. Исковских, А. И. Кострикин, А. Н. Тюрин, И. Р. Шафаревич, “Юрий Иванович Манин (к шестидесятилетию со дня рождения)”, УМН, 52:4(316) (1997), 233–242 ; V. G. Drinfeld, V. A. Iskovskikh, A. I. Kostrikin, A. N. Tyurin, I. R. Shafarevich, “Yurii Ivanovich Manin (on his 60th birthday)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 52:4 (1997), 863–873