26 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm5229
  1. Tosun Terzioǧlu, Murat Yurdakul, Vyacheslav Zahariuta, “On some normability conditions”, Math Nachr, 278:14 (2005), 1714  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib
  2. В. П. Хавин, “Разделение особенностей аналитических функций с сохранением ограниченности”, Алгебра и анализ, 16:1 (2004), 293–319  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; V. P. Khavin, “Separation of singularities of analytic functions with preservation of boundedness”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 16:1 (2005), 259–283  crossref
  3. A. Aytuna, J. Krone, T. Terzioĝlu, “Imbedding of power series spaces and spaces of analytic functions”, manuscripta math, 67:1 (1990), 125  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi
  4. A. Aytuna, J. Krone, T. Terzioǧlu, “Complemented infinite type power series subspaces of nuclear Fréchet spaces”, Math Ann, 283:2 (1989), 193  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi
  5. Aydin Aytuna, Advances in the Theory of Fréchet Spaces, 1989, 115  crossref
  6. T. Terzíoğlu, Advances in the Theory of Fréchet Spaces, 1989, 305  crossref
  7. J. Krone, Advances in the Theory of Fréchet Spaces, 1989, 297  crossref
  8. A. Aytuna, “On stein manifolds M for whichO(M) is isomorphic toO(?n) as Fr�chet spaces”, Manuscripta Math, 62:3 (1988), 297  crossref
  9. F. Haslinger, M. Smejkal, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1275, Complex Analysis I, 1987, 168  crossref
  10. Leif Abrahamsson, “Holomorphic mappings with prescribed Taylor expansions”, Ark Mat, 22:1-2 (1984), 121  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi