180 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm5111
  1. Illya M. Karabash, Christina Lienstromberg, Juan J.L. Velázquez, “Multi-parameter Hopf bifurcations of rimming flows”, Journal of Differential Equations, 2025  crossref
  2. Spiros Cotsakis, “Bifurcation diagrams for spacetime singularities and black holes”, Eur. Phys. J. C, 84:1 (2024)  crossref
  3. Andrea Giacobbe, “A geometric classification of equilibria by spectral types”, Boll Unione Mat Ital, 2024  crossref
  4. Kazuyuki Yagasaki, “Nonintegrability of truncated Poincaré-Dulac normal forms of resonance degree two”, Journal of Differential Equations, 373 (2023), 526  crossref
  5. Kazuyuki Yagasaki, “Periodic Perturbations of Codimension-Two Bifurcations with a Double Zero Eigenvalue in Symmetrical Dynamical Systems”, Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos, 33:12 (2023)  crossref
  6. Kazuyuki Yagasaki, “Nonintegrability of Dynamical Systems Near Degenerate Equilibria”, Commun. Math. Phys., 398:3 (2023), 1129  crossref
  7. Andrea Giacobbe, “A geometric classification of Hamiltonian equilibria by spectral types”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 183 (2023), 104707  crossref
  8. Vyacheslav Futorny, Tetiana Klymchuk, Olena Klymenko, Vladimir V. Sergeichuk, Nadiya Shvai, “Perturbation theory of matrix pencils through miniversal deformations”, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 614 (2021), 455  crossref
  9. A. A. Kornuta, V. A. Lukianenko, “Stability of Structures and Asymptotics of Nonlinear Parabolic Type Equations Solutions with Transformation of Arguments”, Lobachevskii J Math, 42:14 (2021), 3468  crossref
  10. Primitivo B Acosta-Humánez, Kazuyuki Yagasaki, “Nonintegrability of the unfoldings of codimension-two bifurcations”, Nonlinearity, 33:4 (2020), 1366  crossref