74 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm4714
Golubeva V.A., “On the Riemann–Hilbert correspondence for generalized Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov equations for different root systems”, Differential Equations and Quantum Groups - ANDREY A. BOLIBRUKH MEMORIAL VOLUME, Irma Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, 9, 2007, 189–207
Kostov V.P., “Monodromy groups of regular systems on the Riemann sphere”, Differential Equations and Quantum Groups - ANDREY A. BOLIBRUKH MEMORIAL VOLUME, Irma Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, 9, 2007, 209–254
G. Giorgadze, “On Monodromy of Generalized Analytic Functions”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York), 132:6 (2006), 716
A. A. Bolibruch, Mathematical Events of the Twentieth Century, 2006, 49
V.P. Kostov, Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, 2006, 436
Vladimir Petrov Kostov, “The Connectedness of Some Varieties and the Deligne—Simpson Problem”, J Dyn Control Syst, 11:1 (2005), 125
Gia Giorgadze, NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, 147, Topics in Analysis and its Applications, 2005, 69
Д. В. Аносов, В. П. Лексин, “Андрей Андреевич Болибрух в жизни и науке (30.01.1950 – 11.11.2003)”, УМН, 59:6(360) (2004), 3–22
; D. V. Anosov, V. P. Leksin, “Andrei Andreevich Bolibrukh in life and science (30 January 1950 – 11 November 2003)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 59:6 (2004), 1009–1028
Ю. С. Ильяшенко, “Три жемчужины теории линейных дифференциальных уравнений
(по работам А. А. Болибруха)”, УМН, 59:6(360) (2004), 73–84
; Yu. S. Ilyashenko, “Three gems in the theory of linear differential equations (in the work of A. A. Bolibrukh)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 59:6 (2004), 1079–1091
К. Сабба, “Преобразование Лапласа–Фурье неприводимых регулярных дифференциальных систем на сфере Римана”, УМН, 59:6(360) (2004), 161–176
; C. Sabbah, “Fourier–Laplace transform of irreducible regular differential systems on the Riemann sphere”, Russian Math. Surveys, 59:6 (2004), 1165–1180