517 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm4115
Marius de Leeuw, Chiara Paletta, Anton Pribytok, Ana L. Retore, Alessandro Torrielli, “Free fermions, vertex Hamiltonians, and lower-dimensional AdS/CFT”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2021:2 (2021)
Guang-Liang Li, Panpan Xue, Pei Sun, Hulin Yang, Xiaotian Xu, Junpeng Cao, Tao Yang, Wen-Li Yang, “Exact solutions of the C quantum spin chain”, Nuclear Physics B, 965 (2021), 115333
Yusong Cao, Jian Wang, Yi Qiao, Junpeng Cao, Wen-Li Yang, “Exact solution of a quantum spin chain with competing bulk and boundary terms”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 54:31 (2021), 315202
Gabriel Matos, Andrew Hallam, Aydin Deger, Zlatko Papić, Jiannis K. Pachos, “Emergence of gaussianity in the thermodynamic limit of interacting fermions”, Phys. Rev. B, 104:18 (2021)
Vladislav Popkov, Xin Zhang, Andreas Klümper, “Phantom Bethe excitations and spin helix eigenstates in integrable periodic and open spin chains”, Phys. Rev. B, 104:8 (2021)
Jian Wang, Yusong Cao, Yi Qiao, Junpeng Cao, Wen-Li Yang, “Integrable spin-1 model with magnetic impurity”, Phys. Rev. Research, 3:2 (2021)
Cihan Bay{\i}nd{\i}r, Azmi Ali Altintas, Fatih Ozaydin, “Self-localized solitons of a q-deformed quantum system”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 92 (2021), 105474
Xiong Le, Yi Qiao, Junpeng Cao, Wen-Li Yang, Kangjie Shi, Yupeng Wang, “Root patterns and energy spectra of quantum integrable systems without U(1) symmetry: the antiperiodic XXZ spin chain”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2021:11 (2021)
R S Vieira, A Lima-Santos, “Solutions of the Yang–Baxter equation for (n + 1) (2n + 1)-vertex models using a differential approach”, J. Stat. Mech., 2021:5 (2021), 053103
Jian Wang, Yi Qiao, Junpeng Cao, Wen-Li Yang, “Exact solution of an integrable quantum spin chain with competing interactions*”, Chinese Phys. B, 30:11 (2021), 117501