525 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm3642
Xu X., Cao C., Nijhoff F.W., “Algebro-Geometric Integration of the Q1 Lattice Equation Via Nonlinear Integrable Symplectic Maps”, Nonlinearity, 34:5 (2021), 2897–2918
Spiridonov V.P., “Self-Similar Potentials in Quantum Mechanics and Coherent States”, Phys. Part. Nuclei, 52:2 (2021), 274–289
Maltsev A.Ya. Novikov S.P., “Poisson Brackets of Hydrodynamic Type and Their Generalizations”, J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 132:4, SI (2021), 645–657
Yuan Miao, Enej Ilievski, Oleksandr Gamayun, “Semi-classical quantisation of magnetic solitons in the anisotropic Heisenberg quantum chain”, SciPost Phys., 10:4 (2021)
Alexei Rybkin, “The effect of a positive bound state on the KdV solution: a case study
*”, Nonlinearity, 34:2 (2021), 1238
V. Yu. Novokshenov, “Parametric Resonance in Integrable Systems and Averaging on Riemann Surfaces”, J Math Sci, 258:1 (2021), 65
Oktay Veliev, Non-self-adjoint Schrödinger Operator with a Periodic Potential, 2021, 133
A. S. Fokas, J. Lenells, “A new approach to integrable evolution equations on the circle”, Proc. R. Soc. A., 477:2245 (2021)
PETER J. OLVER, ARI STERN, “Dispersive fractalisation in linear and nonlinear Fermi–Pasta–Ulam–Tsingou lattices”, Eur. J. Appl. Math, 32:5 (2021), 820
Xiaoxue Xu, Mengmeng Jiang, Frank W Nijhoff, “Integrable symplectic maps associated with discrete Korteweg‐de Vries‐type equations”, Stud Appl Math, 146:1 (2021), 233