85 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm356
Dmitri I. Panyushev, “Orbits and invariants for coisotropy representations”, manuscripta math., 176:1 (2025)
Michael Finkelberg, Victor Ginzburg, Roman Travkin, “Lagrangian Subvarieties of Hyperspherical Varieties”, Geom. Funct. Anal., 2025
Silvina Campos, José García, Linda Saal, “Spherical Analysis Attached to Some m-Step Nilpotent Lie Group”, J Fourier Anal Appl, 30:2 (2024)
Francesca Astengo, Bianca Di Blasio, Fulvio Ricci, “Schwartz correspondence for real motion groups in low dimensions”, Ann Glob Anal Geom, 66:2 (2024)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi, Toshihisa Kubo, “Recent advances in branching problems of representations”, Sugaku Expositions, 2024
Jie Liu, “On moment map and bigness of tangent bundles
of G-varieties”, Alg. Number Th., 17:8 (2023), 1501
Silvina Campos, José García, Linda Saal, “Generalized Gelfand Pairs Associated to m-Step Nilpotent Lie Groups”, J Geom Anal, 33:2 (2023)
Alexey Podobryaev, “Homogeneous geodesics in sub-Riemannian geometry”, ESAIM: COCV, 29 (2023), 11
Magazev A.A., Popov A.S., Shirokov V I., “Constructing Invariant Differential Operators on Homogeneous Spaces Using the Star Product”, Russ. Phys. J., 64:10 (2022), 1783–1791
Д. В. Алексеевский, М. В. Белолипецкий, С. Г. Гиндикин, В. Г. Кац, Д. И. Панюшев, Д. А. Тимашев, О. В. Шварцман, А. Г. Элашвили, О. С. Якимова, “Эрнест Борисович Винберг (некролог)”, УМН, 76:6(462) (2021), 181–192
; D. V. Alekseevskii, M. V. Belolipetsky, S. G. Gindikin, V. G. Kac, D. I. Panyushev, D. A. Timashev, O. V. Shvartsman, A. G. Elashvili, O. S. Yakimova, “Èrnest Borisovich Vinberg (obituary)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 76:6 (2021), 1123–1135