17 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm3025
Vladimir Mikhailets, Aleksandr Murach, “Unconditional convergence of eigenfunction expansions for abstract and elliptic operators”, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics, 2024, 1
Vladimir Mikhailets, Aleksandr Murach, Oksana Tsyhanok, “A New Look at Old Theorems of Fejér and Hardy”, Results Math, 79:2 (2024)
Phung Dinh Tran, Duc Thanh Dinh, Tuan Kim Vu, M. Garayev, H. Guediri, “Time-fractional integro-differential equations in power growth function spaces”, Fract Calc Appl Anal, 26:2 (2023), 751
Malika Uteuliyeva, Abylay Zhumekenov, Rustem Takhanov, Zhenisbek Assylbekov, Alejandro J. Castro, Olzhas Kabdolov, “Fourier neural networks: A comparative study”, IDA, 24:5 (2020), 1107
A Fargana, A A Rakhimov, A A Khan, T B H Hassan, “Equiconvergence in Summation Associated with Elliptic Polynomial”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 949 (2017), 012001
Giovanni S. Alberti, “Absence of Critical Points of Solutions to the Helmholtz Equation in 3D”, Arch Rational Mech Anal, 222:2 (2016), 879
A. A. Rakhimov, “On the Equiconvergence of the Fourier Series and Integral of Distributions”, JAMP, 03:11 (2015), 1361
A. A. Rakhimov, “On the Localization of the Riesz Means of Multiple Fourier Series of Distributions”, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2011 (2011), 1
Ш. А. Алимов, “О зависимости множества сходимости спектральных разложений
от геометрии разрывов разлагаемой функции”, Матем. заметки, 79:2 (2006), 178–193
; Sh. A. Alimov, “Dependence of the Convergence Domain of Spectral Expansions on the Geometry of the Set of Discontinuity of the Function Being Expanded”, Math. Notes, 79:2 (2006), 165–177
В. А. Юдин, “О положительных значениях сферических гармоник и тригонометрических полиномов”, Матем. заметки, 75:3 (2004), 476–480
; V. A. Yudin, “On Positive Values of Spherical Harmonics and Trigonometric Polynomials”, Math. Notes, 75:3 (2004), 447–450