499 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm2891
Ю. В. Брежнев, “Эллиптические солитоны, фуксовы уравнения и алгоритмы”, Алгебра и анализ, 24:4 (2012), 34–63
; Yu. V. Brezhnev, “Elliptic solitons, Fuchsian equations, and algorithms”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 24:4 (2013), 555–574
А. О. Смирнов, “Решение нелинейного уравнения Шредингера в виде двухфазных странных волн”, ТМФ, 173:1 (2012), 89–103
; A. O. Smirnov, “Solution of a nonlinear Schrödinger equation in the form of two-phase
freak waves”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 173:1 (2012), 1403–1416
А. В. Комлов, С. П. Суетин, “Асимптотическая формула для полиномов, ортонормированных относительно переменного веса”, Тр. ММО, 73, № 2, МЦНМО, М., 2012, 175–200
; A. V. Komlov, S. P. Suetin, “An asymptotic formula for polynomials orthonormal with respect to a varying weight”, Trans. Moscow Math. Soc., 73 (2012), 139–159
А. Б. Богатырев, “Конформное отображение прямоугольных семиугольников”, Матем. сб., 203:12 (2012), 35–56
; A. B. Bogatyrev, “Conformal mapping of rectangular heptagons”, Sb. Math., 203:12 (2012), 1715–1735
Gaëtan Borot, Bertrand Eynard, “Geometry of Spectral Curves and All Order Dispersive Integrable System”, SIGMA, 8 (2012), 100, 53 pp.
Andrei Ya. Maltsev, “Whitham's Method and Dubrovin–Novikov Bracket in Single-Phase and Multiphase Cases”, SIGMA, 8 (2012), 103, 54 pp.
Lihua Wu, Guoliang He, Xianguo Geng, “Algebro-geometric solutions to the modified Sawada-Kotera hierarchy”, J. Math. Phys, 53:12 (2012), 123513
Lihua Wu, Guoliang He, Xianguo Geng, “Quasi-periodic solutions to the two-component nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2012
Brezhnev Yu.V., “Spectral/Quadrature Duality: Picard-Vessiot Theory and Finite-Gap Potentials”, Algebraic Aspects of Darboux Transformations, Quantum Integrable Systems and Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics, Contemporary Mathematics, 563, ed. AcostaHumanez P. Finkel F. Kamran N. Olver P., Amer Mathematical Soc, 2012, 1–31
Andrei Bogatyrev, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Extremal Polynomials and Riemann Surfaces, 2012, 115