190 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm2578
Artur Sergyeyev, “On sufficient conditions of locality for hierarchies of symmetries of evolution systems”, Reports on Mathematical Physics, 50:3 (2002), 307
Vladimir V Sokolov, Thomas Wolf, J Phys A Math Gen, 34:49 (2001), 11139
A Sergyeyev, J Phys A Math Gen, 34:23 (2001), 4983
Xianguo Geng, Cewen Cao, Nonlinearity, 14:6 (2001), 1433
А. В. Жибер, В. В. Соколов, “Точно интегрируемые гиперболические уравнения лиувиллевского типа”, УМН, 56:1(337) (2001), 63–106 ; A. V. Zhiber, V. V. Sokolov, “Exactly integrable hyperbolic equations of Liouville type”, Russian Math. Surveys, 56:1 (2001), 61–101
В. Э. Адлер, В. Г. Марихин, А. Б. Шабат, “Лагранжевы цепочки и канонические преобразования Беклунда”, ТМФ, 129:2 (2001), 163–183 ; V. E. Adler, V. G. Marikhin, A. B. Shabat, “Lagrangian Chains and Canonical Bäcklund Transformations”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 129:2 (2001), 1448–1465
Zhenya Yan, “New explicit travelling wave solutions for two new integrable coupled nonlinear evolution equations”, Physics Letters A, 292:1-2 (2001), 100
Mikhail V. Foursov, Peter J. Olver, Enrique G. Reyes, “On formal integrability of evolution equations and local geometry of surfaces”, Differential Geometry and its Applications, 15:2 (2001), 183
Artur Sergyeyev, Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics, 2001, 379
Alexander B. Borisov, Maxim P. Pavlov, Sergei A. Zykov, “Proliferation scheme for Kaup–Boussinesq system”, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 152-153 (2001), 104