90 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm2140
Dolgachev, IV, “Reflection groups in algebraic geometry”, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 45:1 (2008), 1
Anna Felikson, Pavel Tumarkin, “On hyperbolic Coxeter polytopes with mutually intersecting facets”, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 115:1 (2008), 121
Dmitri V. Alekseevsky, Andreas Kriegl, Mark Losik, Peter W. Michor, “Reflection groups on Riemannian manifolds”, Annali di Matematica, 186:1 (2007), 25
A Felikson, P Tumarkin, T Zehrt, “On hyperbolic Coxeter n-polytopes with n + 2 facets”, advg, 7:2 (2007), 177
Raquel DÍAZ, “A generalization of Andreev's Theorem”, J. Math. Soc. Japan, 58:2 (2006)
Е. Я. Клименко, Н. В. Коптева, “Дискретные $\mathscr{RP}$-группы с параболическим порождающим”, Сиб. матем. журн., 46:6 (2005), 1324–1334 ; E. Ya. Klimenko, N. V. Kopteva, “Discrete $\mathscr{RP}$-groups with a parabolic generator”, Siberian Math. J., 46:6 (2005), 1069–1076
Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 231, Combinatorics of Coxeter Groups, 2005, 1
Michel Deza, Mathieu Dutour, Mikhail Shtogrin, “On simplicial and cubical complexes with short links”, Isr J Math, 144:1 (2004), 109
П. В. Тумаркин, “Гиперболические многогранники Кокстера в $\mathbb H^n$ с $n+2$ гипергранями”, Матем. заметки, 75:6 (2004), 909–916 ; P. V. Tumarkin, “Hyperbolic Coxeter $N$-Polytopes with $n+2$ Facets”, Math. Notes, 75:6 (2004), 848–854
Brent Everitt, “Coxeter groups and hyperbolic manifolds”, Math. Ann., 330:1 (2004), 127