2 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm166
Naoto KAMOSHIDA, Masafumi OKAWARA, Masayoshi ABE, “Shear Strength Characteristics of Kimachi Sandstone in an Environment with Ultralow Temperatures”, Journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan, 131:1 (2015), 17
Д. В. Осипов, “Бесконечномерный грассманиан Сато и когерентные пучки ранга 2 на кривых”, Матем. сб., 194:11 (2003), 81–94
; D. V. Osipov, “The infinite-dimensional Sato Grassmannian and coherent sheaves of rank 2 on curves”, Sb. Math., 194:11 (2003), 1665–1678