77 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm1401
Joosten J.J., “Pi(0)(1)-Ordinal Analysis Beyond First-Order Arithmetic”, Math. Commun., 18:1 (2013), 109–121
Cordon-Franco A., Fernandez-Margarit A., Lara-Martin F.F., “On the Optimality of Conservation Results for Local Reflection in Arithmetic”, J. Symb. Log., 78:4 (2013), 1025–1035
Ф. Н. Пахомов, “Неразрешимость элементарной теории полурешетки $\mathrm{GLP}$-слов”, Матем. сб., 203:8 (2012), 141–160 ; F. N. Pakhomov, “Undecidability of the elementary theory of the semilattice of GLP-words”, Sb. Math., 203:8 (2012), 1211–1229
Icard T.F., Joosten J.J., “Provability and Interpretability Logics with Restricted Realizations”, Notre Dame J. Form. Log., 53:2 (2012), 133–154
David Fernández Duque, Joost J. Joosten, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7318, How the World Computes, 2012, 212
Serény G., “How do we know that the Gödel sentence of a consistent theory is true?”, Philosophia Mathematica, 19:1 (2011), 47–73
Л. Д. Беклемишев, “Упрощенное доказательство теоремы об арифметической полноте для логики доказуемости $\mathbf{GLP}$”, Алгоритмические вопросы алгебры и логики, Сборник статей. К 80-летию со дня рождения академика Сергея Ивановича Адяна, Труды МИАН, 274, МАИК «Наука/Интерпериодика», М., 2011, 32–40 ; L. D. Beklemishev, “A simplified proof of arithmetical completeness theorem for provability logic $\mathbf{GLP}$”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 274 (2011), 25–33
Icard T., “A Topological Study of the Closed Fragment of GLP”, J Logic Comput, 21:4 (2011), 683–696
Beklemishev L., “Ordinal Completeness of Bimodal Provability Logic Glb”, Logic, Language, and Computation, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 6618, eds. Bezhanishvili N., Lobner S., Schwabe K., Spada L., Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2011, 1–15
Mints G., “Countable Version of Omega-Rule”, Logic, Language, Information and Computation, Wollic 2011, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 6642, eds. Beklemishev L., DeQueiroz R., Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2011, 201–209