39 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm134
Xiao J., “Mixed Hodge-Riemann Bilinear Relations Andm-Positivity”, Sci. China-Math., 64:7 (2021), 1703–1714
Ayzenberg A., “Dimensions of Multi-Fan Duality Algebras”, J. Math. Soc. Jpn., 72:3 (2020), 777–794
Verjovsky A., “Intersection of Quadrics in C-N, Moment-Angle Manifolds, Complex Manifolds and Convex Polytopes”: Dinew, S Picard, S Teleman, A Verjovsky, A, Complex Non-Kahler Geometry, Lect. Notes Math., Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 2246, Springer International Publishing Ag, 2019, 163–240
Г. Д. Соломадин, “Квазиторические полностью нормально расщепимые многообразия”, Топология и физика, Сборник статей. К 80-летию со дня рождения академика Сергея Петровича Новикова, Труды МИАН, 302, МАИК «Наука/Интерпериодика», М., 2018, 377–399 ; Grigory D. Solomadin, “Quasitoric totally normally split manifolds”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 302 (2018), 358–379
Anton Ayzenberg, Mikiya Masuda, “Volume polynomials and duality algebras of multi-fans”, Arnold Math. J., 2:3 (2016), 329–381
F. Battaglia, D. Zaffran, “Foliations Modeling Nonrational Simplicial Toric Varieties”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2015
Г. Ю. Панина, И. Стрейну, “Виртуальные многогранники”, УМН, 70:6(426) (2015), 139–202 ; G. Yu. Panina, I. Streinu, “Virtual polytopes”, Russian Math. Surveys, 70:6 (2015), 1105–1165
Askold Khovanskiǐ, Vladlen Timorin, “On the Theory of Coconvex Bodies”, Discrete Comput Geom, 2014
D. McDuff, S. Tolman, “Polytopes with Mass Linear Functions II: The Four-Dimensional Case”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2012
В. А. Кириченко, Е. Ю. Смирнов, В. А. Тиморин, “Исчисление Шуберта и многогранники Гельфанда–Цетлина”, УМН, 67:4(406) (2012), 89–128 ; V. A. Kirichenko, E. Yu. Smirnov, V. A. Timorin, “Schubert calculus and Gelfand–Zetlin polytopes”, Russian Math. Surveys, 67:4 (2012), 685–719